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Get Started Now

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Over 100 Data Assets

1. Number of recovery meetings attended
2. Number of clean UAs
3. Length of time in the program
4. Number of recovery-focused activities completed
5. Number of support groups attended
6. Amount of money earned through GutterMade
7. Number of relapse prevention plans developed
8. Number of relapse episodes
9. Number of triggers identified and addressed
10. Number of cravings managed
11. Number of withdrawal symptoms managed
12. Number of healthy coping skills developed
13. Number of healthy boundaries established
14. Number of healthy relationships developed
15. Number of personal goals set and achieved
16. Number of new skills learned
17. Number of healthy lifestyle changes made
18. Number of healthy habits developed
19. Number of mindful moments experienced
20. Number of problem-solving strategies developed
21. Number of positive lifestyle changes made
22. Number of positive behaviors exhibited
23. Number of negative behaviors avoided
24. Number of stress and anxiety levels managed
25. Number of self-care strategies developed
26. Number of communication skills developed
27. Number of peer support messages sent
28. Number of online support groups attended
29. Number of online coaching sessions attended
30. Number of virtual support groups attended
31. Number of online and offline events attended
32. Number of anonymous peer-to-peer messages sent
33. Number of blogs and forums visited
34. Number of recovery-related articles and videos viewed
35. Number of financial transactions tracked
36. Number of peer relationships managed
37. Number of votes cast in the OSR DAO
38. Number of data assets created
39. Number of web development projects completed
40. Number of social media marketing campaigns launched

1. Number of recovery-focused goals set and achieved
2. Number of relapse prevention strategies implemented
3. Number of triggers identified and addressed
4. Number of relapse episodes avoided
5. Number of cravings managed
6. Number of withdrawal symptoms managed
7. Number of healthy coping skills developed
8. Number of healthy boundaries established
9. Number of healthy relationships developed
10. Number of personal goals set and achieved
11. Number of new skills learned
12. Number of healthy lifestyle changes made
13. Number of healthy habits developed
14. Number of mindful moments experienced
15. Number of problem-solving strategies developed
16. Number of positive lifestyle changes made
17. Number of positive behaviors exhibited
18. Number of negative behaviors avoided
19. Number of stress and anxiety levels managed
20. Number of self-care strategies developed
21. Number of communication skills developed
22. Number of peer support messages sent
23. Number of online support groups attended
24. Number of online coaching sessions attended
25. Number of virtual support groups attended
26. Number of online and offline events attended
27. Number of anonymous peer-to-peer messages sent
28. Number of blogs and forums visited
29. Number of recovery-related articles and videos viewed
30. Number of financial transactions tracked
31. Number of peer relationships managed
32. Number of votes cast in the OSR DAO
33. Number of data assets created
34. Number of web development projects completed
35. Number of social media marketing campaigns launched
36. Number of peer support resources accessed
37. Number of peer support requests received
38. Number of peer support conversations had
39. Number of peer support tasks completed
40. Number of peer support rewards earned

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